Saturday, July 30

Yay for bargain bin’s! and other stories

How often is it when you are walking past one of those bargain bin’s at shops like JB Hi-Fi or Harvey Norman, stop and have a look and go Wow, a game I actually want at a reasonable price and go and buy it. Most of the time it is : wow, I didn’t know they made games this gay, who in their right mind would buy these games.  Being a cheap ass I rarely buy games as soon as they come out, and love the idea of relatively new games at low prices but are generally depressed at the selection of games to choose from which is why I can tell you it is a great feeling to actually find something you want in one of them. Just last week a friend and I were talking about penumbra and he told me he had found the Penumbra collection ( all 3 games in one pack) at Harvey Norman for $5. So the very next day I went a searching for a copy. To make a moderate length story a lot shorter lets just say after asking the checkout chick if they had it and being told they didn’t, getting a guy to help me search through the bottomless pit which is called the bargain bin through hordes of Microsoft Catzz and My stables adventure: a horses story and other similarly depressing and degrading games I found it. Blah blah blah, blablablalalal, Blahh Blah Bla….. (ect)

And that’s how I became the proud owner of one Penumbra collection for the cost of only $5

Basically this means you may see some Penumbra lets plays coming up :)
Also expect to see some split screen l4d2 duel commentary’s as Joyduck 7 has brought a Xbox controller for the Pc and we have been having some games.

here is a pic

any way guys there is some exciteing stuff coming so stay tuned

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