Friday, July 22

My freetime D: Curses Fallout

Im not joking, but out of the current two week holidays, ive only had 3 'free' days, note that 'free' means spending all my time on fallout new Vegas, which I had mixed emotions about first, but now im really into it :)

Two things i want to make clear

1) This is Life Gaming and Nerdy stuff, so we will also post about other life cool awesome stuff that we like posting about, just like that review on harry potter, the movie was awesome! so why not post a review on it!

2) If you have any fallout, and after playing it for about 6 hours and then u put it down, please, PICK IT BACK UP! I didn't believe all the people saying that its around 20 hours that you get into it, but its true!!!! Play a bit more, and Im certain you'll start to play it and love it more, its one of the best FPS RPG's i've played, although Borderlands is still my fav, if you are a fan of open world RPG's (hint hint oblivion), you'll love fallout!

Cya later pals, we havent forgotten about u all :)

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