Friday, July 15

Harry potter and the deathly hallows pt 2

hey guys
Cleftlipkid here. its time for some thing a little different. yes I know, shock horror some non game
 related content. what has the world come to? I have a guest author for you, she is a good friend of mine. with out further ado I give you nsharp8's review on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2

Unfortunately, I never really shared in the obsessive Harry Potter mania, which has affected many of my generation. Which is why I waited with some trepidation with the crowds of garishly dressed fans for the Midnight screening of the final movie. I came out quite literally blown away. The movie more than met my expectations and has inspired me to go back, reread and try and 'catch up' on some of the mystery and magic which I have missed.

But back to the movie... (and beware, this is NOT a spoiler free review!) Deathly Hallows Part 2 traces Harry, Ron and Hermione as they rush to discover all the Horcruxes (for those uninitiated few--pieces of Voldemort's soul) which are the key to defeating 'You Know Who' once and for all. Splitting the final book into two parts was definitely a good decision. It let director David Yates do justice to the complex narrative whilst adding some appropriate cinematic 'pezazz'. The scenes in which Harry, Hermione and Ron rob Gringot's bank melds fast paced action/adventure with cool CGI. The film's climax , the battle for Hogwarts between death eater's and the order of the phoenix combined appropriately epic battle scenes with pathos and humour.

The three leads are all appropriately strong. Backed by powerful performance from British Acting Stalwarts such as Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon and Ralph Fienes. Radcliffe in particular outdoes himself. The key scene in which Harry finally understands that he is Voldemort's final Horcrux, and the sacrifice which he must make, was moving and sincere. Radcliffe's development as an actor, has mirrored his characters growth. In this final film he truly comes into his own.

But far and above every other actor, Alan Rickman as new headmaster Severus Snape stands out, as the heart and soul of the film. In this final movie, Rickman does justice to Rowling's complex, ambiguous character and proves that his recent win in the popular "Harry Potter World Cup" is fully justified. Rickman's Snape is redeemed as a tortured antihero, driven by unrequited love. His death scene, and his memories later viewed by Potter provide one of the most moving moments of the film.

If there is any weakness in the film, it is that those unfamiliar with the Potter Mythology, previous potter films, or the novels will have very little chance of understanding what is going on. Certainly knowing the story in advance is a bonus, I have to admit, even I spent about an hour afterwards, refreshing my memory of the story's context with the help of a friend, far more educated in the Harry Potter novel's then myself. Other's have complained that certain moments occasionally appear drawn out. Some scenes could have been slightly shortened, but the film stays remarkably true to Rowling's novel.Criticism of the film's occasional moments of reflection are unfounded, this reviewer really appreciated these odd pauses for contemplation or respite, which contrast sharply with the rest of the film's frenetic energy.

Ultimately Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 is a fitting conclusion to an epic series which has defined a generation, and captured the hearts and minds of kids from across the globe. With Harry Potter now done and dusted it leads me to wonder what new phenomena will take its place?... Unfortunately I don't like the response--It seems that the heirs of Harry, Ron and Hermione are none other than Bella, Edward and Jacob of the Twilight novels. How far we have fallen....!

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