Tuesday, July 12

Game music

Game music
Its one of the things that makes the experience of playing games so amazing. Imagine playing amnesia with no music, or dead space,  portal or half life. It just wouldn’t be the same. I have to say that people like Frictional games and valve are amazing at creating their game music. Some of my favourites being of course:

The Penumbra theme

Amnesia the Dark Descent theme

Half life 2 music

and of course both portal credit songs which you can find ur self. Scroll down a few posts to find a amazing fan made video for want you gone.

I have found some great places ( in my many adventures across the place you call the internet) where you can get music like this for piano.  http://sebastianwolff.info/ is a amazing place to go if you are looking for movie or game music. The guy is a great arranger of music and has arranged sheet music for minecraft( yay ) music, portal 1&2 and much more that can be downloaded for free!

Also the penumbra theme can be downloaded from here

in the end the message is if you want it and look hard enough you can usually find it so if you are looking for that special song keep looking.

I hope this has been useful

Cleft out
Ps enjoy your holidays    

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