Friday, January 27

Resident evil apocalypse

Resident evil apocalypse

I stumbled across this movie while I was channel surfing so I missed the start, I actually have no idea how far in I was in so I can't give a perfect review but I can give it a go. From what I worked out the story starts with a infection caused by the umbrella corporation that have released the T Virus ( I think) causing a zombie out break

The main characters are(in order on the pic above) Alice (x3) who had been being tested on in the umbrella labs, Jill valentine, i cant remember the name of the next guy but he is cool. a reporter, a gangster sort of person and a one of Jill’s friends. When racoon city is put into quarantine and a nuclear strike ordered it’s a race to get out. On the way they are contacted by  a scientist
(this guy

who’s daughter is still trapped in the city, if they rescue her he will get them out. Lots of gunfire , and epicenes follow which includes the hero’s fighting the great beast called Nemesis( who is really bad ass :P ) kill lots of zombies and generally give umbrella a big headache.

NEMESIS  ( cue gunfire and growling)
he isnt a nice guy.......

I wont put in any plot spoilers  (even tho the movie is old) I quite enjoyed, its fun, epic and has tones of zombies. What’s not to love. I don’t think it’s a amazing film but its certainly very watchable and I enjoyed it quite a bit

if your looking for horror then i dont think this is the movie for you as it isnt really that scarry, but its still a very good actoin thriller type movie. If you have the chance to watch it i would take it.

i hope this review has been usefull

Cleft out

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