Thursday, January 26


I have alot to review, I went and saw the new movie Hugo 2day and am watching resident evil apocalypse i will try to write some info on them. becase i have a lan party at 10 am 2moro i dont have time to write a full review but might try to combine them both into one post.

also Nsharp8 has finished some more reviews on TinTin and and the new sherloc holms movie. I hope to have them up in the next few days.

When the holidays end the amount of game related stuff coming out from me or joyduck will be drematicly reduced as both of us will be dealing with the stresses and work load of yr 12

....... in rex evil related stuff u know when u see the world from the eyes of the baddy that the character is pritty much fucked ( some one was just offed quite spectacularly ) as theyare trying to survive some supper fast zombie thing in the stario tipical church scene and then a epic chick rides through the gient stain glass window and runs over it *cue slow mo explotons*

i think its time i say tah tah for tonight as i need to keep watching the movie but i am still working on many more song ideas and mash ups

till next time
may your zombie apocalypse be uneventfull but full of lots of zombehhh shoootin (rednek speak )

I leave you with why you shouldn't try to put dubstep into words
this is the "lyrics" of skrillexs's new song bangarang

Cleftlipkid out

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