Monday, January 30

More SH5 homecoming (+boobies)

Just a quick continuation of my SH 5 review. After finding a glitch causing a item to not appear I started again from the beginning and am now not so sure if it was a glitch or if I’m just a shit head( I may have just been stupid and not been able to find the item (but I did look up its location and checked there so ….))

I have been coming across some audio glitches where there is no, muffled or any number of other audio weirdness happening at times. I don’t think this would usually happen but is a result of a kinda shit copy ( you get what you payed for (especially when its free))

I have noticed some interesting things: there is no sense of urgency. In other games you are very directed, so at all times have objectives which you are directed to so you all ways know what you should be doing. Not so much in SH 5. You often are left to your own devices to explore and find your own way. This isn’t a bad thing but I find a sense of urgency adds to the game and helps with horror aspects.

The combat ( this may be another time where I’m just a shit head ) I quite like the combat, its smooth and very well done, but if you stuff up (which I do) and a monster gets into a combo it is very difficult to escape and you very quickly take a lot of damage, this can be quite frustrating, its probably just me sucking but hey.

Another thing I have noticed is my play style. In horror games I generally try to kill all enemy’s before I stop, look around and progress, collecting any items and such. This play style fits well in a game like dead space where the enemy’s are fast and specifically target you. This play style doesn’t work as well in SH5 as the monsters are slow and can be easily run around allowing you to conserve your ammo and health. I have been seeking out each enemy and killing them which has left me severely depleted in health and ammo. Tip: if it can be avoided then avoid it( duhh)

I am still really impressed by the graphics(look back at the boobies above and you will agree(hi def boobies :D ))  this Thursday another Res evil movie is on so I will give a review on that, also on the topic of reviews Nsharp8 has finished her reviews and will hopefully be giving them to me 2moro (or 2day as it is now 12:10 am) I also have some other people who may be writing reviews for me and I will give you more info if I have any guaranteed reviews coming.

2moro (or 2day) is mine and joyducks last day of freedom as yr 12 starts on Wednesday L
Major bummer, but  never fear as I will keep trying to pump out content.

Till then
Work hard and live life gaming
Cleftlipkid out

ps soz for all the doubble brackets.
pps fuck school.

my final thing is a song by one of my fav techo people: tune up
its forever young. check it out

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