Tuesday, December 13

Fortnite: Pretty Hyped up for an unexpected Game

Every since i heard that minecraft had surivival when 'mobs' come out and attack you at night, i was in love, but after they patched it so mobs dont actually 'come after you' at night and just wait around until you are close enough to attack, my heart sank. Ive always had dreams about a 'zombier' acoploiytic FPSMMO that combines the best elements of left 4 dead, killing floor, gmod zombie survival and source-forts/Minecraft and a whole lot of other games i throughoutly enjoyed. This 'dream' game revolves around you co-op surviving with friends at night in a fort hand crafted by yourself from salvaged resources such as planks, cars, metal, fences, shopping carts and anything else lying around along with barricades to keep the zombies back (for the mean time) with ammo to hold them off, playing on an enormous map with 150 other online players scattered all over the world so big that you barley see anyone and when u do, you team up and help each other survive, and to a point when you can zoom through this whole recent zombie apco world in a resalvaged car because the maps SO FRICKEN BIG. Although i doubt that dream will come to light any soon, mineceraft did for the meanwhile with the whole 'bulid a fort and survive the night' kinda thing but it didn't rock my boat.........  ......But then this came

This game might be what i wanted from Minecraft and didnt get... Actual Aggressive mobs, mobs that only exist to attack you rather then walking around. Along with the implied exploration of an apocalyptic world, a possible FPS from the use of guns, an awesome tf2 art style, the ability/making a fort from salvaged materials and co-op with friends, this game might be exactly what im looking for, and now Im very hyped up about it. Overall, it looks like it could float my 'zombie' co-op fort-making survival boat, and for a very long time indeed. As much as i hope its an FPS, or even comes out on PCs, i hope its a good game that i will greatly enjoy!

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