Saturday, February 4

Year 12 Has Started...

Yes, It has, Probably the most important year of my life so far... and im not letting it go to waste!
If you dont know already, Im studying full on, aiming for an top score, an Ace in all my subjects
I have a plan, sadly one that does not involve games, so this is why Im here now

I will be rarly playing games at all, maybe an hour on the weekends, and thats it, I'll also try to blog post, but theres no real point so I wont be here a lot either. So this is a temporary goodbye from me...

BUT This is not the end, After year 12, i will be FULL ON in games, manga, anime and everything i love, i will be having a huge break before Uni, and even afterwards Uni wont be as hard as year 12 (says my older friends) and I'll have heaps of time. So after the next 6-8 months, EXPECT ME :D

But for now, I will be studying, hard! It wont be easy, I probably wont enjoy it, but wish me luck!

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