Wednesday, October 5

Why all the rage ??

I think gamers are all together a pretty good bunch of peeps. But when we get down to which game is best things start getting nasty :( what i want to know is: why do people get so angry at others for not liking their chosen game?

battlefield 3 is coming out in the near future and has started the debate about which is better. when blops came out every one was raging about how they thought MW2 was better. I like cod. It was a fun game and i enjoyed it. i wouldn't say its the best game i have ever played before, i don't know what that one is, but i definatly had fun playing it and in the end that's why we play games. people keep going on about how shit blops is, maybe its just i never played much mw2 ( i never owned it ) but i had fun with it, the complaining: "aw its soo shit, look at the graphics", well i have and while they aren't crash hot they also aren't horrible and in the end your not playing the game just for the graphics, your playing it for the experience and story the game has to offer.

same with battlefield 3. yes it looks amazing, yes i am sure it will be a good game, but just because i think this doesn't mean i can go and say other games are shit because most games will seem shit in comparison to the next new game because it will be better, have newer technology and more. Its the whole reason you buy the next game. you wouldn't ( or most wouldn't) say battlefield bad company 2 was a bad game, yes it had some problems but it was a fairly good game, but just because it is better then bad company 1 doesn't mean bad company 1 is shit.

some thing you also have to think about is for blops or mw3 to be as "good" as BF 3... wouldn't they have to basically become the same thing? it would just become the same game with a slightly different story.

I play games for the experience not necessarily the realism, come on , dead space 2 but realistic. now that's some thing I got to see, any how i just hope people finally stop hating on each other for the games they play.
we all have different things we enjoy and if we all understand that and stop trying to change others we will all have a better time.

Ok thats my rage over

till next time
cleft out

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