Sunday, January 22

Silent hill homecoming ( + some waffling )

Silent Hill 5 Homecoming.
I may ramble on or go into way to much detail

I picked this game up yesterday to give me something to compare SH3 to the newest game in the series and let me say I’m impressed

The story is intriguing, I am not that far in but I want to know more. I already know what happens as I have watched a walkthrough, but I still really want to experience it my self as its always more scary when you experience it.

The graphics are very impressive, some good screen shots remind me of high quality black ops shots. It looks great and play’s smoothly, the main character Alex at times can be mistaken for a real person the graphics are that good. Unfortunately I can't find any options in the main menu to change the quality and resolution. The only bugs I have is the map and the child’s drawings are really low def. I think it might just be my game as other play throughs I have seen do not have that problem. Its minor but it annoying as I can't see the words written on it or make out what the drawing is meant to be. On the other side I was very impressed at the model quality

(yeah its from ign, plz no hate)

It detail even goes to the point that when you pick up a item you can examine the item up close and rotate it. You can read serial numbers on items and first aid kits have specs of blood on them. this amount of detail is just extraordinary. The detail reminds me of the extreme detail in Amnesia the dark decent.

The game play is very fluid, I am most impressed with the gameplay. Every thing runs soo smoothly I have lots of praise for the gameplay. You have two stances: passive and aggressive( or what ever u want to call them.) in the passive stance you have your weapon by your side and can run around enemy’s but in the combat stance you have your weapon at the ready and lock on to the nearest enemy ready for you to unleash either a strong or weak attack. Weak attacks are quick, deal less damage(duhh) and can be chained together, strong attacks can be charged and can stun.

Using different combination against different enemy’s with the right weapon to begin a very quick brutal finishing move, for ferals(the monster dog things) the combo when holding the lead pipe results in a vicious animation of u shoving a pipe through the dogs head.

Wow …. I have gone into WAY too much detail….. wow…. Uhh
… um and I have sooo much more to say. I just have soo much fun writing these.

To stop you having to read a entire book on SH I will save the rest for the next post but….
Here are boobies to keep you satisfied till next time(btw boobies will appear in the next one to (something to look forward to ))

So here are the boobies

and now kids …. Don’t try doing this at home …..

Ps for all of you who like your boobies and your zombies here is some thing i happend apon while searching for silent hill stuff( i didn't click on the link, why does google search have to come up with things like this( check the url it says silent hill feral death in it )

i dont recomend going there

cleft out

Pps i really wana continue writing this post

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