Friday, January 20

Silent hill 3 first impressoins and more

The first thing that struck me when I started up Sh3 was that there was absolutely no tutorial, I know this isn’t unheard of but I’m used to games that give you just the basics: WASD to move and how to attack. It was fairly standard but it’s still a little confusing.
The second thing that struck me was the camera angles and fixed camera. About 90% of my games on steam are first person games and 9 of the other 10 are third person with only about one some thing else. This is why the camera of sh3 confused me. For those of you who don’t know the camera is a loose 3rd person camera with a fixed position camera at other times. It will follow your movements but if you turn around it will stay at the rotation it is unless you manually adjust it (just press tab and move the mouse ). This took me a bit of time to work out and found it made combat difficult and kindda down right annoying. The fixed camera is as if the camera is (fixed) locked in a position and doesn’t move, I also found this quite confusing
I guess im just too used to more modern games but the combat of sh3 really felt weird. After playing lots of games where combat is meant to occur and is easy to do to the combat of sh3. Due to the camera and the lack of a health bar on screen it was difficult to know how low health I was with out moving to my inventory.
From the videos of game play I have seen people generally try to avoid combat unless they have to, I generally try to seek out my enemy’s and kill them as knowing they are dead makes me feel a lot safer.
I guess the most important thing about the silent hill games is the story so I might restart on easy just so I can experience the story with out the frustration of the gameplay. Even though I have been quite critical I still am defiantly going to keep playing.  Originaly I picked up the Silent hill franchise as I I realised that as a survival horror fan I hadn’t ventured into one of the biggest survival horror franchises out there.
More SH stuff coming soon as I am also installing SH5 right now, from the vids I have seen it looks closer to the games im used to then SH3.
Cleft out

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