Tuesday, January 31

My tips on how to get up Really early

-the background(why am I doing this) about 3-4 days every school week I have to get up at 5:30 am to be able to do music practice and get to school in time for 7:45 rehearsals for a 9:00 start. Today is the first day back and wow the 5:30 really isn’t fun after getting used to going to bed at 2am and getting up at about 10 or 11 am. So these are my tips to get up , stay up and function early in the morning.

1 Get a alarm and set it: if you (like me and so many others) have a ipod get a ipod dock alarm thingy. As it is SOOOOOO  much easier to get up to your own music blaring then a stupid bleaping of a alarm. My recommendations is music that really gets you going and excited, for me that’s dubstep or happy techno. Before I used music my first reaction to hearing my alarm was to turn it off and roll over. Not so with music as I love the songs soo much I sit up and listen to the first song then get up and plug in my head phones so I can keep listening to it as I get breakfast.

2 have some one come and check on you. If you do switch off your alarm and fall asleep again ( or just accidentally fall asleep again (I have been guilty of both) then have some one who is able to check on you, just to make sure you have got up and if you have fallen asleep again to wake you up. As much as I love sleeping I still know I need to get up so its usually entirely unintentional(most of the time :D)

3 some peole talk about needing a hot cupa to get them up in the morning, others swear by energy drinks. Neither of them do any thing for me and the energy drinks just make me tired after about 20 mins. If your really struggling to get up early then go to bed earlier. There should be no need to have any drink or food as you should be able to manage without it.

4 my final tip is when you don’t have to get up early (eg weekends) then CATCH UP ON SLEEP!
If ur getting up at 5:30 on week days don’t get up if you don’t have to. Your body needs to rest so give it a chance.

The hardest part of getting up is actually getting vertical and out of bed, your not going to fall asleep at the kitchen table(don’t try it, its not comfortable or good for your back :p) once your up you will generally stay up as long as you keep moving you will be just fine.

Good luck

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