Monday, January 23

Katawa Shoujo: My Experience

Its Finished, its Done, My first few playthroughs of Katawa Shoujo, on Both Emi and Hanako's trail
its just amazing in every way, this game/anime/visual novel caught me by surprise

45 Hours Ive reading/enjoying what is probably one of the best games ive ever played
and Im only 40% of completeing it thoroughly

Its one of the most linear straight forward games in the world, in existence
yet but it outplays many other games in the market

The Plot, the Music, the Moments, oh so defining and heartbreaking
and you and your decisions are in control, they define the outcome, your destiny

Everything is handled genuinely and honest, no offending or disturbing... just sincere
although there's some partciular content i'd rather it not include, but its only minimal

And most of all, incredible plot & writing, How i ever felt so sad, on the my seats edge
This game changed my perspective on life, and if you played it, so would you

For one of the few time in my life....  I shed manly tears

"a disability does not define a person"

What am i talking about? read these for more info about the game 

So as of now, ive already completed two routes (One which i was honest in and the other in which i wanted to do the most), so I think im going to take a long break. This game is truly one of my favorites of all time, Ive played enough about it for now and will write heaps more about it whenever i pick it up again. This is mainly because it takes so much time to completely play through it all and I guess i wont have the time needed to play through everyone else, not now or not in a few months, but I will soon enough, and when I do, i'll be sure to write all about it, but for now, I'll leave you all with that.


oh who am i kidding by holding it back, ILOVEUHANAKOCHANPLEASEDONTLEAVEME D':

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