Sunday, November 20

WarZoneAlert: MW3 Vs Metacritic

Seems like IGN is starting up another controversial article defending modern warfare 3's (rightuflly deserved) low metacritic score...

Read it here:

Out of the comments, i feel this is the most appropriated to repost here, as it truly shows the understanding of whats going on

"I love the tagline on the front page: "When criticism becomes protest: Does giving MW3 a zero out of ten really help anybody?" 

Well clearly it scares the guys over at Infinity Ward enough to issue a public statement begging for good user scores, as reported by Kotaku over here: 

Really if you have THAT many people bitching about the game you have clearly done something wrong. No, a 0 out of 10 isn't a fair score for any game that isn't a complete bug ridden unplayable mess. But IGN predictably misses the point here, that these are NOT critic scores, these are people making a point. 

 And it's a point well made, zeroes speak far louder than mere 6's or 7's, and that is what the user score is all about. The system of 0 for bad 10 for good is not, I repeat NOT a bad system for user scores; Can you honestly expect people to carefully and rationally take both the pros and cons of the game into account and devise a perfect numerical representation for its perceived "value", for them personally? No, of course you can't. But you can have a system where people say "Nope, I didn't like it. Zero." or "Yes, I loved it, 10". 

 Hell, it worked for Rotten Tomatoes, didn't it?" 

 -The Syllogism

My opinion?, well, of course i agree it deserves a terrible score, bad games get bad scores, especially when they've been terribly rehashed and profit squeezed, anyone who thinks otherwise really has no sense of what to expect in a good game. Please, do yourself a favor, buy battlefield 3 if your looking for an awesome FPS experience, please, or if not, then just simply get nothing ;_; (edit->)... or ... SERIOUS SAM 3!!!

Dont bite the hand that feeds you, but dont feed from the hand that feeds you crap!

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