Saturday, September 24

Another Big Purchase

Hurray, Today i was able to buy some more games for my collection! Some were old ones ive been wanting for a while, others were new games coming out soon, but most of them will barley get played as i have exams soon -__

Games i got: 
Mass Effect 1
Penumbra Overture
Penumbra Black Plague (and requiem)
Mirrors Edge
New for Speed Hot Pursuit
Aliens Vs Predator (and DLC)
Fallout NV: Lomesome Road

And the best yet:
Serious Sam 3

YES, Battlefield 3 has been brought, the beta will be open to public soon, please note that i truly despise origin, it is terrible compared to steam, steam my love, but as E(profit whores)A will pamper origin, and its not on steam, i so good as well got it on origin (and will re-buy it when it comes out on steam). I also missed out the free dead space 2 promo (dammit), but i'll get that on steam another day ;)

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