Monday, December 26

The Best Christmas (Online) Ever, Top Reddit Posts :3

In case you weren't aware, I love anime and manga, Im a big fan, and although i havent posted much here (due to the idoitic haterd cleft has for it), I still am a huge fan, posting and talking about it on other sites such as reddit and youtube. I will be also posting more about some here in future as it truly is one of my passions wither cleft likes it or not  :P

Now back to the what i was saying, yesterday was Christmas, and for me, it was one of the best Christmas's ive ever experienced, most of it online. As said above, Im an anime/manga fan, and only recently have i decided to make my own icons using tools such as and IcoFX for my folders, this is the result:

Being a member of reddit's r/anime and r/manga, i decided to post it to see what they though, and this was what their response was:

Thats right, top post for the week on both subreddits, and on Christmas Day! I cant believe that happened,
they were so well recived, I was extremely happy and am very thankful for the positive feedback from everyone. I serious was so shocked, they were TOP of both subreddits for the week, on the chirtmas break when everyone is on breaks and posting heaps, here, this is the list of the other top posts of those subreddits:

Forgive me if i seem like im bragging, i can tell you im just very grateful for whats happened, although it doesnt seem like a big deal for other redditors, this was my first post of truly original content made from my own 'blood and sweat' and it was so well recived, so Im incrediablly exicted and thankful for it all. :D If you dont care about anime and manga and only games, dont worry, i'll still be posting a majority of posts on games, but from this I am much more encouraged to post more on the web for anime and manga :)

If you think Ive made this all up, ora ctually want to see it for yourselves, links are here: r/anime r/manga

Anyway, Im just so happy, I hope you all are doing fine and have had a very Merry Christmas (for america) and Boxing Day (for us in Australia) :3

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