Wednesday, October 26

The issue with reviews....and uncharted 3

Sometimes games are bad and get horrible reviews, other times they are good, and get good reviews. But no matter how good, there is no such thing as a perfect game.

Yes, im talking about Uncharted 3, its so far been reciving high criticsm with perfect scores everywhere, notoriously IGN's with 10 for everything. Really? completely perfect... or just stupid! Reviews are too emotionally bias, people give good reviews if they like the game, not if it IS a good game. We can clearly see that ign loves uncharted 2 due to its also very high score, so what were the chances of THEM giving uncharted 3 a high score.. .well... obviously HIGH! This just pisses me off, what happen to the good reviews that were about the game and not how people enjoyed the game, if i love a Ford Bentley 1940 and hate a Ferrari Enzo, does that mean the Ferrari is worse than the Ford Bentley, even worse is if i was to rate the Ford high and the Ferrari low on a scale that MEASURES how good it is.

Dont believe me? check out this, especially if you think uncharted 3 is the 'best game ever';

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