Thursday, June 9

Über Joyduck Update: Exams Finished and E3!!!

Yes, Finally!!!!!!!! i have finished my huge amount of study, exams are over and I’m very confident i did well :) now it’s time to relax and play some games, make some more videos and all that!

I'll need to get round to adding some more videos, don’t worry, they will come eventually! But more onto some news! Although our site is more centred around the best gaming platform of all time and which still is... the PC! But we'll also post some interesting news, especially E3, which i have been missing out on recently, so I’ll sum up some important points

  • Moar Battlefield 3 Awesomeness, YES, will be probably the best game this year, in my opinion, as all the Battlefields Ive played are the best War FPS out of all the many ones i have, yes, Battlefield is better than CoD.. wake up :)
  • New Nintendo Console, well, so far its smaller, but still impressive, the Wii U. It actually looks good, a nicer way to enjoy the Wii, except this is the same feeling i had for the DS an Wii originally until they got repetitive and boring (to me..), so lets see how Nintendo keeps its hardcore fan base this time rather than its (as PC gamer rightfully said) Nint-infants/oldies...
  • Bioshock Infinite is looking even better despite destroying my anticipation of going back to rapture and my favorite villains, the big daddies, although i might end up buying BI for its story and character development, Subject Delta will always have a special place in my hall of fame!
  • Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim, has now lost half of its credibility! That’s right, it has been announced to be made for consoles, and then ported to pc, Smart choice Bethesdasoft , way to go ruin the game for the loyal PC community. Now we'll have to deal with dumbed down textures and graphics whereas if it was made for the PC, it would be so much better... sigh... another one bites the dust..
  • Dead Island looks even better with a more story perspective now, especially how its all in First person view... realistic... just the way i like it. But with all these scenes and awesome looking events, it looks like something from half life 2 (scripted cut scenes and events), but i mean is the half life story was amazing single player, and although synergy is an awesome co-op half life 2 mod, it never told the hl2 story as well as single player as its made for single. So looking at dead island and how it seems to take an important story perspective gameplay, how will they ever do this co-op. I only saw one person in the falling lift scene (seen in the trailer), how will they achieve this as a successful co-op game, i look forward to it :)

Well, there’s Joyduck7's spin on E3 for the time been (lol, Bias or not, its still pretty much what’s going on), I’ll try keep up to date on other important announcements soon, (probably Bf3 lol) but still, I’m Back, its official, so get excited!

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