Monday, June 20

Kinect V Move

Kinect V Move
Unfortunately the motion control fad hasn't gone away L but with more and more games integrating it into them as well as some generally good games that are motion control only so I'm here to see if there may be a future for them.
Move. The less popular of the two is a little like a the Wii. One of the main differences between the Move and the Wii is that the Move has software to predict the movements if it loses connection to the controller. This eradicates those moments where your Wii control looses connection to the sensor just as your hitting a match wining smash in a game of tennis( why you would I don't know but there are some weird people out there). Other things the Move has going for it is its looks. Yes using it has been likened to waggling a glowing multicoloured dildo around but isn't that better then waggling a white brick around?
The Move is also being used just like the Wii with the motion controls being used in similar dancing, fitness and party games. For that alone it isn't worth buying. You might as well buy a will for half the price and put up with the shit graphics.
For the games that implement it a alternative to the controller it either uses waggle like heavy rain or uses it in a gun shaped holder such like in Killzone 3 or Socom. They both seem to work very similarly to the Wii.
I have to say the games that are coming out exclusively for the motion controllers the kinect has the advantage for me. The control is having more games created for it that appeal to me, i.e. Child of Eden. But the downside to it is the implementation into normal games. Because it doesn't have any form of control implementing it into normal games is difficult. This is where the Move excels. It is a lot easier to implement into games in ways just like the Wii. In James bond golden eye you can either use the classic controller or the motion controls and aim like a gun. This can and is one way the Move is being used.
They both have many different advantages and disadvantage. Personally I see the Move to be something that is more for me because it is able to be implemented in games other then party games.
I will try to give some sales figures soon but it is difficult as I can't find recent ones, but when I do I will show you where to find them.
That's all for now guys, have fun play lots and live life gaming
Cleft is outa here

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