Tuesday, May 17

Wooo, Another upload, and more info

Im on a role considering i can barly stay on the computer for long, so i can never play games on weekdays due to intensive law, economic study aha :P

But Yea, i got another of the HL2:DM videos up, rather than consistantly posting the video(s), here is just the playlist link, check it out and watch a few, me and sheep are the best of friends muahaha


On another note, does anything think i should make more screenshot posts? for those who cant really view videos. It would be a heck of a lot easier for me sometimes to just write about (for example) an awesome l4d2 experience and provide a few screen shots rather than having to go and film it, either way, as long as you guys are happy, so am i ;)

EDIT: I finished the new page i was working on, its called gameplay series and contains all of our current gameplay series, check there to watch everything we've done ;) http://lifegamingnerdy.blogspot.com/p/gameplay-series.html

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