Thursday, May 19

Nintendo's new "hardcore" console

Finally what we have all may or may not have been waiting for. Nintendo have finally announce that they are making a new HD consolee (yay). Yes the Wii was fun but if i want to go play a game i generally want to go shoot someone in the face, and want the satisfaction of doing it in HD with the accuracy of a mouse and keyboard or ps3 control. I don't want to waggle a inaccurate motion control around and shoot someone with crap visuals. There have been two problems with the Wii. One was the control system and the other is the lack of good third party games. The waggle control system isn't accurate enough to be used for much else other then family games, yes there are some good ones but if you don't want to play a Nintendo classic such as Mario or super smash bros or a kiddie game(yes sometimes they can be fun)  you don't have much of a chose.

Nintendo have said that their new consolee will be directed towards the "Hardcore gamer". The people who don't spend most of their time playing games that are suitable for their children to see. It will be HD, which is a great change to the Wii, one of the reasons there were very few "good" Wii games that appeal to the older audience. Yes graphics isn't the most important thing in a game, but it is important. If you spend too much time focusing on the graphics you get a game like Crysis which looked amazing but sucked ass.

In short what I think they are trying to say is it trying to appeal to xbox, pc and ps3 users. The control hasn't been confirmed. It really depends who you look at, CVG reported that it may include a built in HD screen, other sources say it will be like a standard control with a D pad , two sticks and two triggers. Whatever they do it will be awesome.

But what we really care about is the games. What I really hope is that Nintendo will create some new IP's. Yes we all love Mario, Zelda but I want something new. They all have many games in their series and but do you really want another, wouldn't you rather something new, with new characters, game play and mechanics. Honestly while they are fun I want some new content from Nintendo. They are capable of making some awesome new launch titles.

Whatever Nintendo's new console will be we will find out to some extent at E3(E3's almost here :D) and it will be awesome. They will make a awesome new console that will hopefully be able to finally compete with Sony and Microsoft, hopefully when you buy a game it will be on all platforms not just pc, xbox and ps3. Whatever it is it will be awesome and you will buy it, so start saving now.

My next bit of news hasn't yet been decided but whatever it is will be coming soon . Sorry if this is a little Incoherent I am doing this in a rush.

Remember, Live your life and Live life gaming

Till then Cleft is Outa here.

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