Wednesday, May 11

Do people really hate losing that much?

simple enough, i was play a round of killing floor the other day, it was fun. Although i was playing with randoms, we were able to give each other money, help each other out, get the best weapons and get to pretty high waves... until that wave. Around wave 8, we exited the interior of the icebreaker and due to the fact we had spent too long in the trader, the wave started as we got out into the open. as quick as lightning, 2 flesh pounds appeared out of nowhere, followed by huge amount of clots, gorefasts and scrakes, all 20 of them surrounding us.

Unprepared as our team of 6 were, they when in for the kill, and our team was killed off every second, until only i remained. Now (not to brag) but that was probably due to my skill and survival, evidence as i was the highest ranking player... BUT... the point is, as soon as everyone had been easily killed off as they were, meaning all 5 left were spectating me... they quit.... rage quit to be precise.

Do people really hate losing that much, i mean, i know i would have been overwhelmed sooner or later, in fact, i kinda did after they all left, but thats not the point. They all quit, because they lost, they weren't good enough to win. And so they got angry about it and quit. You could say that they just didn't want to wait a few mins til my scar ran out of ammo and i got swamped, they quit seconds after they died, despite at such a high wave/achievement...

It brings me to feel that nowadays, people would rather win, or nothing... they dont like losing, and if they feel like they might, they bail out. What happened to the good'old 'Game Over' we have all experience from our endevours to conquer all challenging video games. It appears that people seem to prefer to win pathetically than die honorably, and in my books, thats like beating a 6 year old team in basketball instead of losing to Michael Jordan. Quitting every time you lose is a bad habit, somethings you gotta face defeat on, see it to the end, and who cares if you lose, its a fun game that everyone enjoyed. I'd Rather say 'that was an awesome game, good try everyone' than 'that was sooo boring so i quit' when really thats not the case. If everyone enjoys themselves and is having enough fun already, then why quit? Losing isrnt a glitch or a bug, its possible, and its part of the game, so chill, relax and enjoy the game :)

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