Friday, April 29

your choice

Hey humanoids.
Cleft lip kid here.
I am planing to do a amnesia lets play but am maybe a hour into the game and have just got to a part where shit gets real. This is were you guys come in. I was wondering do you think I should stop now and wait till I can record a lets play, or keep playing and finish it and give you a lets play once I have finished the game ? The second option will contain less useless walking around getting lost. The fist will contain more true fear and adventure as I will be working out the puzzles for the fist time. Its your choice, leave your decision in the comments bellow.

I leave you today with a demotivational poster i made, hope you like it.

-Cleft lip kid out


  1. Do most of it after you've finished it the first time. "Walking around getting lost" doesn't sound particularly riveting. BUT... I reckon for some of the puzzles, you should record yourself doing them for the first time. That way, you've got the best of both. Or perhaps record various sessions and the cut out the walking around and getting lost stuff. Argh, I talk too much!

  2. And besides, I noticed that you said "record a lets play". This would be a video, yes? Would you consider adding a photo gallery and text overview afterwards at all - I understand that this could take a while, but it would mean that I for one would be able to view the lets play (since I cannot view videos)

  3. yes. a lets play is a video. i will put up a txt review later

  4. thanks for the comments goldspoodle. the general idea of a lets play is some one creating a game play commentary of them playing through a game. there is generally recorded in episodes. i won't be able to do a full text description of each episode but i can do a brief text description

  5. Considering I have just got the game, i think i'll do my own lets play as well, for the first playthrough. Then you can see 2 people's perspectives of the scariest game of all time :)

  6. Maybe you could go through what happened in the video ie "At this point, I got lost (screenshot) The monster I found when I finally got to the right room was not amused(screenshot)", ect...
    Maybe one of you guys could do the lets play for the first option and one for the second option, the ones Cleft talked about in the first post. Ah, I'm not sure you guys understood that last bit!...
