Friday, April 22

Whats planned

Hey people
Cleft lip Kid here
i know there hasn't been much new content being put up recently, don't worry because that will change soon.
i am going to start a Amnesia: the dark descent lets play series and a lets play for Dead space 2, which will start soon (yay). Joyduck7 and i also have a few duel commentaries planned for a range of games like Amnesia, Team Fortress 2, Dead Space 2 and more.
if there are any games you would like to see some of just tell us and we will get right on to it

thats all for now so stay tuned
-Cleft Lip Kid

1 comment:

  1. Portal 2 would be nice...
    If you want, I can do some pretty good websites using Java. I could help you make this one even better. Just ask!
